miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2013

Getting started with Symbaloo: Applications for english teachers (V)


WEEK: Monday 23rd September, 2013 to Sunday 29th September 2013.
DATE: Thursday, 25th of September, 2013

Today, I have learned how to find specific web mixes on symbaloo and add their URL into one of your blocs for a quick access. As you can see in the bottom right corner of my symbaloo, there is a block titled “Reading Books and literature” I have not yet spoken of.

READING WEB MIX: It is nothing but a different web mix which, created by another symbaloo user, has a quick access to several webpages which include reading contents for children (primary school students ones).

I would like to encourage you into exploring this fantastic web mix and into add them to your own symbaloo accounts if you are interested. You can repeat the process with as many web mixes as you please! This is the link for the reading web mix, in case you’ll want to have a look at it: http://edu.symbaloo.com/mix/Reading1

Now, let’s move to the top left corner of my Symbaloo. Here we can see a block with my logbook. Can you guess what is it? Of course, it is a direct link to this blog.

MY LOGBOOK: I have added it to my Symbaloo for a quick access on my comments, posts and weekly publications, so it’s easier for me to find it. Primary teacher students with access to a computer could create a blog on their daily or weekly experiences in class and even share their own works online.
This blog has two purposes: sharing my favorite learning tools with you, -both applicable for students or teachers most of the times- and having a weekly personal entry on resources I find useful for me, which can help me in my future task as an English teacher. Having a description of my Symbaloo gadgets allows me to recover this information some years later, so I can apply these resources into the educational field myself.

MY PERFECT CLASSROOM SITUATION: This is a task I could voluntarily do for a University Subject. It shows a classroom based on interaction, in which pupils participate in an interactive multiple-choice story game, discussing what should the main character do on each question the game proposes. Some pupils are looking some words at the dictionary, others are sharing ideas and some ones are writing down the decision they’ve taken, which they will have to explain to the other groups and the teacher, so as to continue the story.

Symbaloo can also be used to store different finished University tasks opr presentations which, stored in Dropbox or in other similar platform can easily be accessed from anywhere on the Internet. You can easily have access to them if you’re going to do a presentation about it, with no pen-drive need at all.

Thanks so much for you interest, viewers! I hope to be able to find more useful resources for you, at the same time I build up my own Symbaloo. Feel free to comment or discuss, always politely your ideas! Maybe this blog may be in your Symbaloo someday? Nothing would make me happier! Follow me by clicking on the right bottom “Seguir/Follow” See you!

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