martes, 24 de septiembre de 2013

Getting started with Symbaloo: Applications for english teachers (II)


WEEK: Monday 23rd September, 2013 to Sunday 29th September 2013.
DATE: Tuesday, 24th of September, 2013

Hello again! Today we are going to have a look at some web pages I have been adding to my Symbaloo web mix, which include more resources for teachers up to be used in the English class.


Showing pupils some cartoons or videos in English, if done properly, can be the perfect way to give them the input they need on the language. Watching a video needs of literacy skills to be successfully accomplished, otherwise children won’t be able to get the meaning of it as easily as they would without this help. The teacher will be the guide of the student’s learning, and he/she will make pupils questions or indications about the story or whatever is shown on the video, to help them understand its meaning. This can be done before, during or after the watching process. Watching cartoons can help children adopt certain learning strategies, at the same time they enjoy the stories within. This has both pedagogical and entertaining uses. I will describe some of the cartoons or videos I have included in my PLE and the main reasons for me to do so.

NOTE: I have the original of these videos. I cannot attach some of the links on many of them because of copyright reasons.

 FUNNY BONES:  Funny bones are a short cartoon, which can be shown to early stage learners without boring them because of the length. I have chosen them because they can easily be found and displayed in class. They are also funny, and especially visual, which helps children get the meaning of the words by gist or just by looking at the visual support the cartoons give them.

WALLACE AND GROMIT: “Wallace and Gromit” are a series of cartoon created with the snap-shot technique, which catches plaster puppets’ movements. I have chosen them because they are fun, and can become an interest center for a unit planning. The problem is that chapters are a little longer than I’d like, still they will do the job.

DISNEY’S “THE SWORD IN THE STONE”: This was one of my favorite Disney cartoons when I was a child. It fits the classic literature pattern of a hero who has to go through some tests until he becomes the hero. It is an easy to understand cartoon film, it is funny and it can attract pupils’ interest quickly.  As many of them will already know the story they will get the film’s audio meanings by gist more easily. The video can be useful into a unit planning based on middle age.

VALIDATION: Although it is bound to third grade other than others because of its vocabulary and meanings complexity, I think validation is an inspiring lesson both for teachers and students. Using positive and encouraging words hello pupils to build up their own self-stem at the same time they learn. It has been proved via the Pygmalion effect, its application in psychology, as you can see in the link below:

By the way, here’s the link for the “Validation” video:

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